I know some people get frustrated when I write about government stuff, but. I am not doing it because I really care about "politics". What I do care about is the future of my children and their children. Whatever is done now, especially because because the strokes being used are so broad and will have a big impact on every part of your lives.
This is the latest:
According to the NY Times - an extremely liberal paper- there is a new administrative rule paying physicians specifically to counsel patients on end of life decisions. Physicians do that now as a normal part of patient care, when they feel it is appropriate, with no additional fee, it is part of good healthcare. I was a Hospice nurse, end of life care and decisions are important to consider even when you are not near death. However, this rule when combined with some other rules to guarantee quality healthcare, seems to reward the physicians who reduce the use of medical care, while rewarding those who "save money" as " meaningful users of the system".
The rule was written and proposed by the congressman from Oregon (the only state that allows "euthanasia").
"After learning of the administration’s decision,( to include this as an administrative rule for Medicare) Mr. Blumenauer’s( D) office celebrated “a quiet victory,” but urged supporters not to crow about it. "While we are very happy with the result, we won’t be shouting it from the rooftops because we aren’t out of the woods yet,” Mr. Blumenauer’s office said in an e-mail in early November to people working with him on the issue. “This regulation could be modified or reversed, especially if Republican leaders try to use this small provision to perpetuate the ‘death panel’ myth.”
Find the NYTimes article is .http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/26/us/politics/26death.html?_r=1&scp=6&sq=health%20care%20reform&st=cse .
Basically they don't want people to know because they know that the public (not just Republicans) doesn't want this. They took this out of the health care bill last year due to the resistance, even from Democrats, because of the potential for abuse. So now, they are using the administrative process to get what they want.
What else will they be doing that we specifically asked them not to do?
- No federal money to support of Abortion. Guess what, a large grant has been given by HHS to Planned Parenthood, the nations largest provider (not even just a counselor) of Abortion, under the guise of woman "health care". (I wonder how the aborted little girls feel about this).
- Then, the administration could not get through a bill regarding carbon dioxide credits. So, they use the EPA to try to restrict carbon even though the presence of "global warming" has not been confirmed and is in doubt given the admitted fixing of data by some of the climatologists leading the agenda. Some consider this to be part of a social agenda rather than scientific study. Did you know in the 1920's there was a big global warming scare? And in the 70's we were warned that there was a new Ice age coming.By the way, guess who has become a multimillionaire thank to global warming. Think of a former vice president. What has this done to increase interest or trust in the scientific process? What does it teach the kids about science? Pick out your result, then adjust the data as needed.?!?
- Spending money that hurts rather than helps the economic situation. Increasing our debt rather than lowering it making us beholding to those who bought our loans. All the supposed "fixes" bail outs and other policies have made it worse. These fixes are forcing millions of people to rely on government for their livelihood which in turn makes the economy worse. The government is taking money out of the pockets of Peter to pay Paul and causing more Americans to become disheartened and to lose faith in themselves and each other. People are so worried about the economy, they can't pay attention to what the government is doing.
- Influencing the way the press and news media report events by using political and financial pressure when necessary.
- When should you especially pay attention? When you can turn to every news network (with one notable exception) and hear the exact same words from the commentators. Can none of them think for themselves? That should raise the hackles on the back of your neck. If there are no questions being asked by the press, no criticism except of a particular group of people, that should make you wonder. When the congress pushes through huge, omnibus bills or important legislation at the last minute (healthcare, financial reform, the START treaty) , holding congress over, threatening to even keep them through the holidays, that should make you suspicious.
Stay alert, I know there is so much on your minds it seems DC and all that is far far away. But the effects are everywhere and affect everyone.
I have been where you are now in life. It is hard to care when you have so many other things to worry about. But, if you don't care now, you may later when the deed is done and hard to undo.
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